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Why you should use a pool cover

IMG_4221-150x150Installing a pool cover is incredibly important, but not for some of the reasons people think. In fact, they are probably the most misunderstood pool accessory. If you think that the main function of the swimming pool cover Melbourne is to keep people or animals from falling into the pool, or even to keep the pool free of insects and leaves, then you’re mistaken.

A pool cover isn’t really protective, so if you have one, you still need to lock up the pool area. Helping to keep the pool clean is only a secondary benefit of a pool cover or pool blanket – always best used with a solar pool heating or electric pool heat pump Adelaide.

Save Water!

The fact is, the most important function of pool blanket Sydney and covers is not to keep things out of the pool, but to keep the water in. Water is always evaporating from the surface of the pool. The cooling effect of this is very noticeable – and easy to appreciate – on hot days. However, pool water also evaporates at night and on cloudy days. At those times, the evaporation does nothing but work against the pool’s heating system. This is because when water evaporates, it absorbs heat from both the air and the pool.

An insulating pool blanket can almost eliminate evaporation during times when the pool isn’t in use, radically increasing the energy efficiency of the pool’s heating system. Of course, a pool cover or pool blanket also helps to keep the pool clean, and if it’s well insulated, it slows direct heat loss and well as heat loss by evaporation.

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You can learn more about the benefits of pool covers and pool blankets and take a look at their line of products, which also includes solar pool heating systems Sydney.

Further Information

For further information, please read the introductory leaflet explaining how the Smart WaterMark can help you save water around your pool or visit

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